Pot Pullers and Pot Haulers

Whether you're a recreational or commercial crabber or shrimper, one thing is certain: hauling your catch can be a real pain in the back without the right equipment. That's where pot pullers and pot haulers come in. With options like DC electric power or Honda-powered hydraulic pullers, there's a pot puller out there to suit your needs. And when you're ready to invest in one, you can even find complete packages with davits included. So what are you waiting for? Save your back and make hauling your catch a breeze with the right pot puller or pot hauler.

23 Products

Ace Line Hauler ALH-500 Brutus Max Torque Cannon HS

SKU: 567608
Mfg# ALH-500

TRAC Line Hauler / Pot Puller

SKU: 529422
Mfr: Trac Outdoor
Mfg# T10250
LFS# CAM69280

Ace Line Hauler Pacific Pro, Electric Pot Puller, 12v, Scotty Base Mount

SKU: 528199
Mfg# ALH-400

Ace Line Hauler, PacificPro, 12v Electric Pot Puller, Cannon STX Mount

SKU: 528213
Mfg# ALH-600 STX

Ace Line Hauler, PacificPro, Electric Pot Puller, 12v, Cannon HS (Big Body) Base

SKU: 528212
Mfg# Brutus-BB ALH-500

Discovery Bay Premium Two Piece Davit Kit, Heavy Duty for Pot Pullers

SKU: 527407
Mfr: Discovery Bay Marine Gear
Mfg# 142002
LFS# DBT142002

Power Hauler/Crab Pot Puller HD923 with Power Reel System

SKU: 563034
Mfr: Discovery Bay Marine Gear
Mfg# 151923
LFS# DBT151923

EZ-Pull 3-Piece 1.5" Schedule 80 2.5hp Electric HT Davit Package

SKU: 527413
Mfr: EZ-Puller
Mfg# EZ-HT1

Honda 4 hp OHV Gas Pot Puller / Hauler with Davit and Pulley

SKU: 93388
Mfg# GX120 K1/80
LFS# MKY00016

Scotty, Trap Eeze Pot Puller w/o Mount, Manual

SKU: 223189
Mfr: Scotty, Inc.
Mfg# 749
LFS# SCT0749

Scotty, Trap-Eeze Pot 750 Puller with 241 Deck Mount

SKU: 223188
Mfr: Scotty, Inc.
Mfg# 750
LFS# SCT0750

Schedule 80 Gas Davit, includes Davit, Kickplate & Gunnel Mounts ONLY

SKU: 296951
Mfg# Gas Davit w/brkts & pin

Honda Hauler-Pot Puller Engine, 4 hp OHV Gas with Gear Box Only

SKU: 93386
Mfg# GX120 K1/WC

Ace Line Hauler - Bulldog Hands Free

SKU: 464284
Mfg# Bulldog ALH-225

Discovery Bay Power Hauler Alaskan Model HD923

SKU: 527406
Mfr: Discovery Bay Marine Gear
Mfg# 111923
LFS# DBT111923

EZ-Puller Hands Free Option Kit

SKU: 527417
Mfr: EZ-Puller
Mfg# AMS120D

Discovery Bay Premium Two Piece Recreational Pot Puller Kit

SKU: 535972
Mfr: Discovery Bay Marine Gear
Mfg# 141002
LFS# DBT141002

Thomas Machine & Foundry Pocket Puller

SKU: 531265
Mfr: Thomas Machine & Foundry
Mfg# 80416
LFS# 80416

Discovery Bay Power Hauler Alaskan Model HD923EX

SKU: 565086
Mfr: Discovery Bay Marine Gear
Mfg# 114923
LFS# DBT114923

Ace Line Hauler Replacement Motor Kit Cannon Compatible

SKU: 574882
Mfg# ALH-240

Ace Line Hauler ALH-244 Replacement Motor Kit

SKU: 567607
Mfg# ALH-244

Ace Line Hauler Value Pack

SKU: 575416
Mfg# ALH-450


Choosing a Crab Pot Puller


Anyone out there that catches crab or shrimp using a crab or shrimp pot will agree, the lightest pot is the first thrown into the water, after that they all just get heavier and heavier. As for retrieving the pots, well that is another matter altogether. Pot pullers are a vital tool for commercial crabbers and shrimpers and they need the strongest most reliable equipment available, their livelihoods and safety depend on it.


Raising the first pot from the depths quickly becomes hard work even for an empty pot. Empty crab pots are not what crabbing is all about, so a power assisted crab pot puller is a must for anyone using pots for crabbing or shrimping. Electric crab pot pullers are the most economical pot pullers with most manufacturers offering a variety of mounting options.


Shrimp and Crab Pot Hauler on Existing Downrigger Mounts


A popular mounting option is using an existing downrigger mount if one is available, irrespective of the down rigger brand. One needs to make sure when purchasing an electric pot puller that the mounting base is compatible with the style of the downrigger mount fitted to the boat.


Power for Pot Pullers


Most common power source is twelve volts for most electric crab pot pullers. If the boat is equipped with electrical down riggers the electrical outlet for the down rigger can be used for the electric crab pot puller, otherwise installing an electrical outlet is required.


Managing the line on a Pot Puller


Any pot puller works well as a crab pot hauler or as a shrimp pot puller because the function is the same and they all can accommodate common line sizes. Some pot haulers are designed as hands free, and this does not mean it’s totally no hands required. What that means is that once the pot line is threaded through the puller the operator is not required to keep tension on the line and is available to coil the rope as it is drawn in by the puller. Stowing the line as it comes aboard is always a challenge therefore ‘Discovery Bay Marine®’ have introduced their power hauler crab pot puller. This puller has a spool that the crab pot line is threaded into, and the pot puller winds the line onto the spool avoiding the line coiling onto the deck and around ones legs.


A well-known manufacturer of fishing equipment ‘Ace Line Hauler®’ manufactures a compact 12v pot puller. The ‘Ace Line Hauler®’ crab pot puller mounts directly onto the ‘Scotty®’ base plate and plugs into the ‘Scotty®’ downrigger outlet. Additional crab pot puller manufacturers such as ‘Trac Outdoor®’ and ‘Discovery Bay Marine®’ offer pot pullers with raised davits.


A crab pot puller davit not only extends outward away from the boat but also higher than the sides. This allows the davit to swing bringing the pot right into the boat.


Gasoline Driven Pot Pullers


Commercial electric crab pot pullers are rare as most commercial pot pullers are hydraulically operated. For an alternate to electric or hydraulic pot puller there is the option of a gasoline driven pot puller. ‘Mckay Shrimp & Crab Gear®’ manufacture a pot puller that features a 4HP ‘Honda®’ gasoline motor with a capstan attached to a davit making it a standalone unit.


What you need to know about Pot Pullers


Commercial crabbers & shrimpers know that they can depend on Go2marine / LFS for a wide selection of crab pot pullers and shrimp pot pullers, parts, and all the accessories to equip them for success. We also have a pot puller for every recreational boater wanting to catch their limits of yummy seafood.


Which crab pot puller or shrimp pot puller is best for you?


If you are on a small boat, a manual pot puller might be all you need. If you are planning on hauling in pots greater than 100lbs, then an electric pot puller is the way to go. A crab or shrimp pot puller can be a simple machine needed for pulling a few small pots up from shallow water like a davit with a pulley or block and tackle on the end. Good medium duty models include 12v electric winches. The Scotty pot puller is a popular recreational brand and we have pot haulers from McKay Shrimp and Crab Gear.


For professional shrimping, lobstering or crabbing, a gas powered pot puller should be considered as they can handle very fast line speeds and weights greater than 100lbs. A gas powered pot puller contains hydraulic winches powered by 4 hp Honda engines that can pull 500lb pots up at 170 ft per minute.


What is needed to complete a pot puller set up?


Once you have identified the pot hauler that suits your needs, you will also need a crab or shrimp pot or lobster trap. Crab rope or other commercial fishing line will be needed along with bait, buoys and flags. We stock all the pot pullers you need, and shrimp and crab pots, line, floats and all the tools for a successful crab and shrimp season.